An AI Project Under FLL’s MasterPiece Theme?

Can we develop a new revenue stream for performing artists through Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools that augment fans’ post-concert experiences?

That could be an innovation project idea for any robotics team under the 2023-2024 FIRST LEGO League’s MasterPiece theme:  imagine and innovate new ways to create and communicate art across the globe.

The AI augmented fan post-concert experience idea came to my mind as I used Apple’s i-Movie software on my i-Phone to collage my personal photos and video snippets the day after attending a sold-out Grace Jones concert at the 2,200 person capacity Hammerstein Ballroom in NYC on the evening of May 31, 2023.  Grace Jones is my first cousin.  Also, Grace is my first major concert since the Covid-19 pandemic ended.

I’m curious as to whether children currently involved in FIRST LEGO League (mostly ages 9-14) can fully relate to the AI augmented fan post-concert experience idea as I surmise most of them have yet to attend their first in-person concert for their favorite performing artist.  When they do have their first big fan in-person concert experience, let us carefully observe how they use the concert photos and video snippets they take.


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